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Crystal meanings

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Crystal meanings Empty Crystal meanings

Post  Sue Sun Apr 29, 2012 11:33 am



Tourmaline has a high content of the mineral Lithium. This mineral is great for imbalances of the emotional and vibratory system. When introduced into the energy field of a person, it creates an immediate elevation of mood, a calming of the emotions, and an equalizing of one's personal vibration. This Ally helps facilitate the state of Inner Peace.

Inner peace is a vibratory state in which you are able to perceive and release emotional patterns that may be influencing the reality you are experiencing. This release of old patterns enables you to experience lifein the moment, without feeling the need to play out emotional habits that were created in the past.

When creating experiences in the moment, without feeling the need to play out emotional habits that were created in the past, we allow ourselves to experience life in the moment. Without feeling the need to play these out, we no longer feel the need to judge ourselves or others. We become judgmental by interpreting current situations through our own past energetic and emotional experiences. When one is in the state of inner peace, there is no emotion based upon the past or the future; there is only the present. This freedom from old patterns allows you to accept others for what they truly are in the moment.

Inner peace also enables you to remain more fully in communion with higher guidance. When you are existing in the moment, you are able to make each act and thought a manifestation of the Light. You are able to become a clear channel for the Will of the Divine Creator.


When Tourmaline appears to you, you are being told that the answers you are seeking will appear when you stop living for the past or the future, and begin resonating with the vibration of Inner Peace. It is in the moment that we create and live through joy. By living in the current moment you are able to release the emotional patterns you created in the past and create each moment as you wish it to be.

You will not find your answers in the future, and you will not find them in the past. You will only truly discover yourself when you disconnect from the roles you may have created for yourself and those around you. This will occur when you accept peace with yourself and the world. Seize the moment and become like Tourmaline; emanating peace, joy, and healing.


Affirmation: I love and create in the moment.

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Crystal meanings Empty Selenite - Higher Self

Post  Sue Sun Apr 29, 2012 11:34 am

Selenite is the most beautiful of the gypsum family of minerals. It forms in clear wand shapes with striated sides and occasional water inclusions. Selenite's crystalline structure allows it to move energy easily throughout its form. Its energy is clear, high, and sweet, evoking aspects of both the air and the water elements. Selenite aids in moving energy throughout the water and fluids of our bodies, encouraging the health and en-light-enment of each of our cells.

Selenite's energies allow us to experience the incredible energy of an activated physical vehicle. When all of the separate elements of consciousness in our bodies are activated, we are able to allow our highest visions to enter our physical world. This is able to allow our highest visions to enter our physical world. This is the goal of being physical - to bring our highest consciousness into the goal of being physical - to bring our highest consciousness into the physical realm and to use it to create an enlightened reality, bringing all humanity into resonance - first with the Earth, then with the Universe.

Selenite is a doorway through which the vibration of our Higher Self can enter into our consciousness and physical systems. The Higher Self is the aspect of ourselves that is aware of the totality of our being. It exists outside of our physical reality, between our mind and our soul. When we are connected to our Higher Self, our physical and physical manifestations become direct conscious tools for Divine expression in our life.

We are coming to a point in our experience at which we must return to a state of interconnection and connection to the Divine force and will of the Universe. Without this connection we cannot attain our fullest development. Selenite has come to aid us in achieving this end by bringing the light of Spirit into this plane of existence.

Selenite is speaking of your response-ability to your purpose. It is a time for you to take your response-ability, and apply it to the new awareness you are beginning to embody. Selenite above all other allies creates resonance in our energy and body that initiates in us a time of renewed connect to the Divine. Through your creations, body, speech and emotions, Selenite will aid you in expression the Divine in each moment.

Selenite may also be signaling a period of renewed connection to your Higher Self. The ability to move the enrgy of the Divine through the vehicle of your physical body is an important part of being physical. Selenite is alerting you that it is time to begin developing the physical vehicle you inhabit, so that it can carry oever higher frequencies of energy onto the Earth plane. You may need to change your diet, exercise habits, or other lifestyle choices which may be affecting your ability to carry high frequency energy through your physical being. Pay attention to the signals that you receive from your Higher Self. They will lead you to changes that are most beneficial to you at this time.

CHAKRA: Crown through 12th
AFFIRMATION: I AM a reflection on Earth of the Divine Spirit in Heaven.

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Crystal meanings Empty Angelite

Post  Sue Sun Apr 29, 2012 12:13 pm

Metaphysical Properties- Angelite is a wonderful stone to promote a sense of calm, serenity and inner peace. Hold a Angelite stone when feeling stressed and overwhelmed, the soft vibration will allow you to immediately calm down. The soft light blue color reminds us that we need to teach each other to be peaceful, with peace comes understanding. Stabilizes the emotional body, allows one to speak out with authority in group settings. Dispels fears, anger, and allows one to forgive. Some like to use Angelite to aid connection with the higher self, deva's and spirit guides. Some like to use this stone to aid expression, not only in group settings but in personal relationships as well. Convey your thoughts and emotions in an understandable and peaceful way. Others like to use Angelite to aid in astral travel, raising consciousness, and to stimulate psychic awareness. Angelite is also a great stone for spiritual journeys and astral travel, it allows us to experience the journey and then to express the feelings felt during travel. Sometimes we cannot express our feelings especially when it comes to various aspects of astral travel, Angelite allows you to take in the mental and emotional meaning of your travel.

Light Blue is the color of the 5th chakra, or throat center. I like to think of this color as one of creative expression and communication. Symbolically this color stands for freedom and intelligence linked with feeling. This means that light blue allows us to understand our feelings and the freedom associated with thought through expression! Mentally, this color is associated with the ability to trust your intuition and to make changes more easily; we can all use this! Those who are drawn to light blue may have a need for peace, calmness and of course expression. Use this color to bring the aspects of your life into full circle, allow the energies of light blue to aid you on your journey of personal growth.

Numerology- Vibrates to the number one. The number one is about leadership and learning your role in this incarnation.

Gemological Properties- This stone is a from of Anhydrite found in white and blue masses, usually nodules. Most of this material is from Peru, however I have seen nodules from Madagascar.
From Shirley Ponto

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Crystal meanings Empty HERKIMER DIAMOND QUARTZ

Post  Sue Sun Apr 29, 2012 8:07 pm


Colour: Clear and Colourless

Card Name: The Crystal Fairy

Chakra: Crown (7th)


Number: 3

Cultures: Native American and Mexico

Herkimer Quartz also know as Herkimer Diamonds are a very unique and rare member of the crystal kingdom. They are currently only found in Herkimer, New York and Oaxacca, Mexico. They are a double terminated (having two points) crystal, that is extremely brilliant and beautiful in nature. They often contain natural prisms which displays rainbows when held in strong light.

Perhaps, Dream stone would be an appropriate title to describe Herkimer Diamonds. They carry the energy and connection with the realm of dreams and vision. It is one of the most powerful connections to the Dream world we have in the crystal arena. They are best utilised for dream enhancement, by being placed next to the bed before sleep. They can also be used in the creation of dream catchers. Then they are placed over the sleeping area, to enhance our recall and lucidity in dreaming.

Herkimer Diamonds link us with the unseen worlds of spirit. It is believed by many mystics and alchemists, to have been created in a world apart from this one vibrationally, because of their unique crystal appearance and structure. They are a psychic passageway between us and the higher self. They help to stimulate the abilities of clairvoyance and second sight. They are also beneficial tools for helping pay attention to our intuition and insights.

Herkimer's can help to connect us on a deeper level with those we love. Two Herkimer's can be programmed to establish a stronger bond with our friends and beloved ones. By putting the intention of greater closeness and love into the Herkimer's, while they are touching, this covenant of love is felt when you are apart in a much more perceptible manner.

BEST WITH: Herkimer is compatible with most Gemstones.

The message of Herkimer Diamond Quartz is: "Magic is alive and Well; it lives within you.


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Crystal meanings Empty Sapphire

Post  Sue Sun Apr 29, 2012 8:58 pm


Color : light and dark blue

Card name: "The Sapphire Muse"

Chakra: Throat (5 th)


Number: 6

Cultures: India, Middle East, Native America & Europe

This is a gemstone of manifestation, transfiguration joy and upliftment. It attracts powerful energies of prosperity and success, creating a channel to those realms of inspiration, creativity and proficiency. The ability to create and manifest prosperity on one's life is connection with our view of reality. Being attuned to higher vibrations of light, Sapphire assists us in moving into those realms we choose to embrace. It raises our vibrations and carries us up a notch to another level.

Sapphire is a gift of clarity to the human mind. It has been chosen more than any other gemstone to grace the crowns of royalty. This was inspired by the light of purity that it conveys to cut through the limited states of awareness most of humanity dwells in. it graced the royal crown of Europe and India and symbolized a bridge between heaven and earth.

Spiritual metamorphosis or change is initiated by working with sapphire. It can expand the capacity of the 3rd eye chakra by increasing the awareness of our mystical natures. It carries a potent link to the psychic realms helping to link the physical and spiritual worlds.

Being one of the truly metaphysical gems, sapphire's message is one of hope. It inspires us to be a crystalline object of beauty and truth. It supports us in becoming a container of noble aspects and abilities. It aligns us with speaking our truth and bringing it forth into this world by fine tuning the throat chakra. It promotes the telling of our heartfelt desires and seeing them solidify into the physical cradle of humanity.

Best With: Diamond, Clear Quartz Crystal, Herkimer And Pearl

The Message Of Sapphire Is: "All Of Your Deepest Hopes And Dreams Can Come True"

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Crystal meanings Empty Labradorite

Post  Sue Tue May 01, 2012 2:14 pm

Crystal meanings Labrad10



Labradorite is a feldspar that is opaque to translucent, with a blue-grey to rainbow coloured chatoyancy. It is a beautiful stone, calling to mind storm clouds and rainbows. Labradorite is a stone used for Earth magic and divination. Despite its outer appearance, it holds within its darkness a rainbow of brilliant hues that can only be seen when the stone is held in the light.

Labradorite is a stone of strength and dualities. It acts as an Ally for those who desire to enter the void to gain information and knowledge of the unseen aspects of life. For Shamans and magicians it is a protective powerful stone that aids in the recall of experiences that one has had in other realms and other lives.

Labradorite creates a force field throughout the aura, protecting and strengthening the energies within and preventing others from "tapping in" to your personal energy and draining you. It can be used as a balancing agent for those who wish to incorporate all of the elements into their energies. Labradorite is an important Ally to invoke when working with Elemental Allies, as it aids one in invoking those nature energies when there is a sincere desire to communicate with nature spirits.

The subtle workings of our inner selves and higher guides are often termed "magic' in our culture. The wonderful synchronicities and opportunities that arise when we are in harmony with all of our aspects create a sense of larger movement in our lives.

Labradorite reflects this sense of mystery and wonder, and creates a resonance between all aspects of our selves, enabling our total energy to work in harmony with our Divine purpose. When we are in line with our Divine purpose, our Destiny unfolds before us, revealing never before considered ideas and paths to follow.

The energy of Labradorite also aids one in penetrating the veils of the Void, where all knowledge and all possibility are held. The Void is the place of all-potential, and is the source of all creation.

Labradorite aids the Light worker in accessing this place of potential, and bringing into its realm those creations, which are for he highest good of all beings.


When Labradorite as your appears as your Ally, it is calling you on a journey inward. The great mystery is about to open before you, and it is time to own what it is you have created. Take a look at the beauty of your life and your spiritual path. Even those things that have seemed dark and dreary are now revealed to contain bits of Light, like the energy of a rainbow.

Labradorite is here to remind you of the magic that is at work in your life. The subtle currents of energy that are shaping your present and future have created something wonderful for you that is just about to be revealed. Magic is becoming visible to you now. It is like a shining, shimmering dew that illuminates all it touches. Take a look at the paths and choices before you. Which seem to sparkle or shimmer in the mind's eye? That may be the path of magic leading you to your dreams!


AFFIRMATION: I am open to the mystery of the Universe and all of the gifts it holds for me.

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Crystal meanings Empty Charoite

Post  Sue Tue May 01, 2012 2:22 pm

Crystal meanings Charoi10
Charoite is a stone for this age. It provides for a synthesis between the heart and crown chakras and combines the higher spiritual dimensions with unconditional love from the physical plane. It allows one to recognize, to integrate, and to understand those attributes exhibited on the physical plane which are thought to emit a negative vibration; hence, facilitating the acceptance of others, regardless of the development and/or actualization level in which they appear.
This mineral provides for transmutation of negativity and for grounding to the spiritual self. It can be useful in cleansing the auric body, filling the chakras with a loving spiritual emotion of purity, and in assisting one in comprehension of self-inflicted "lessons". It enhances ones "giving" nature, opening the heart to allow one to "see" with love, and to recognize the connection between "All". It awakens analytical abilities and precision, providing for scrutiny in the investigation of the unknown.
It instills a "brotherhood of light" between the individual, the dualities, and of the planet; hence, promulgating the idea of relationships and stimulating flexibility with respect to "letting go". It sustains ones attention span, allows for discrimination between validity and fiction, and helps one to realize that "as one door closes, another

Opens". It is a "stone for transformation", within this world, and from this world to another.

It also can assist one in realizing that one is, in fact, where one should be during this very moment. It is a "bestower' of "good", bringing firth the ultimate benefits in situations encountered. It assists in the actualization of "second-sight" and visioning.

It aligns the meridians in the upper portion of the body, activating the mechanism which expediotes the appoval of the self while further providing for an active pursuit of forward motion; the forward motion rapidly occuring when the total integration between the heart and spirit produce complete alignment of the physical body with the perfect self.

Charoite tends to transmute the symptoms of illness and disease to well-ness. It can be used to treat disorders of the eyes and heart, to provide improvement in autistic pursuits, to allay headaches and general aches and pains, to improve degraded conditions of the liver [e.G., due to excess alcohol], to improve degraded conditions of the pancreas [e.G., due to excess refined sugars], and to stimulate and regulate the blood pressure and pulse rate.

It is an excellent cleanser of the body when taken as an elixer.

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Crystal meanings Empty Ruby

Post  Sue Tue May 01, 2012 2:29 pm

Crystal meanings Ruby10
RUBY Life force
Your receptive human spirit receives life force energy from the Ruby stone. This energy is the etheric bridge between the potent void and the light.
I prefer the raw and inexpensive ones . . . It is in the bible and also a power stone in the magical breatplates of the High Priest.
Applications are symbols of love and virility. True power lies in it's ability to stimulate life force energies. Initiates the Kundalini, or Sacred force which resides at the base of the spine within the first chakra.When properly initiated and harnessed, these powerful forces can be used in the manifestation of Spiritual Light, the creation of matter, and in the healing of they physical, mental, and spiritual self. It brides the elements of Earth and Fire, vibrating with the grounding properties of the Earth and the transformative properties of Fire.
IT IS a time of renewed energy in your life.

MESSAGE. practice breathing in thru the base of your spine, drawing a cord of energy up through your body and out the crown of your head. Connect with the elements of Earth and fire , encouraging their energies to rise thru you and transform any blockages you may be holding.

Draw your energy upward and extend it outward from your higher chakras, so that it can be directed by the higher mind.


AFFIRMATION I allow the Life force within me to rise and strengthen my body and mind.


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Crystal meanings Empty Moldavite

Post  Sue Tue May 01, 2012 2:46 pm

Crystal meanings Moldav10


Moldavite tektite is a beautiful green gemstone that fell to earth over 14 million years ago in a meteor impact that formed the Bohemian plateau. It is the foremost of the transformational stones in that its energies are felt most easily upon one's life. Moldavite exhibits the green ray, yet it energies are effective in burning through blockages in any of the chakras. It is a strong stimulant to the psychic senses, and tends to accelerate one's spiritual development and path.

A strict (some say merciless) teacher, Moldavite heralds a time of drastic growth and changes. People, things or life lessons that no longer serve you will drop away, clearing the path for the higher good to come. This is not always an easy process, but if you are prepared to surrender to the Universal Will, it can be a cathartic, cleansing and exciting time of spiritual unfolding.

Moldavite has been valued for its transformative spiritual energies for at least 25,000 years, and probably longer. Ancient people of the Bohemian plateau and beyond would wear this potent Ally for it's energetic properties. Moldavite is also believed to be the legendary "emerald that fell from the sky", the stone of the Holy Grail.

Moldavite has an immediate impact on those that attune to its energies. Physical sensations range from the experience of heat ("Moldavite flush") to tingling, dizziness or even headaches.

Don't let this scare you, however. These physical symptoms are only temporary, and are a direct effect of the stone's powerful cleansing of the chakras and energetic systems of the body.

Many people also trace the beginning of incredible growth and movement in their lives to their first encounters with Moldavite's energy. Changes in relationships, jobs, living environments, personal abilities and manifestation abilities have all been reported as effects of Moldavite's energy entering one's life. Deep personal transformation is always a part of choosing to work with the Moldavite Ally. Moldavite allows the Light of the Divine to work great changes and miracles in one's life.


If you have drawn Moldavite as your Ally, hold on! It's going to be an exciting ride for the next few months. You may experience a 'falling away' of old relationships, jobs, securities, and situations. Anything that does not serve your ultimate path may go spinning off into space, leaving you transformed.

Moldavite is not always an easy Ally, as its purgative effects can leave you feeling like you've been put through the ringer, but it is truly a stone that indicates change for the better. It has a beautiful, extremely powerful and high vibration, which creates a resonance with Universal understanding and creation.

Expect an increase in psychic or "coincidence" phenomenon. It is time for you to begin the next phase of your spiritual learning, and Moldavite is a powerful teacher!

CHAKRA: will dissolve blockages in all chakras, but is most active in the Heart, third eye, Crown and etheric chakras.

AFFIRMATION: I allow the power of Light to transform my life.

from The Crystal Ally cards (Naisha Ahsian)

The Crystal Path to Self Knowledge

Storm element

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